#26 Changing the public perception of estate planning in Australia

Let’s face it: the comments section on social media can be brutal, especially when it comes to estate planning. We’ve all seen the comments in the community facebook groups — "Wills are too expensive, just use an online will kit!" or "Lawyers aren't worth the money!" It’s frustrating, especially when we pour our heart and soul into our work.

Here’s the silver lining: criticism can be a goldmine of insight.

In this episode, we’ll chat about:

  • Shifting your mindset from frustration to opportunity when reading the negative opinions of the small noisy minority
  • Using criticism as a roadmap to refine your messaging and marketing approach
  • Simple strategies to address public misconceptions without losing your cool

We believe estate planning is about so much more than paperwork. It’s about securing futures, creating legacies, and providing peace of mind. And while it can feel overwhelming to tackle negative perceptions about something we care so deeply about, we’re here to help you stay focused on what's important and keep making the estate planning industry a more accessible and impactful place.

Want to continue the conversation? Join us in The Art of Estate Planning Facebook Group


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